The following target investment asset allocation, as set forth in the Plan’s investment policy, provides diversification and is intended to meet the Plan’s long-term investment goals without undue risk. The investment policy was developed and is continually monitored by the Board of Trustees together with its investment advisor, Quan-Vest Consultants.
Target Allocation: Range:
Equities: 62%
(45% Domestic, 40% - 50%
7% International, 2% - 17.5%
10% Global) 5% -15%
Core Fixed Income: 15% 10%-20%
High Yield Fixed Income: 5.5% 0.5% - 10.5%
Real Estate: 10% 5% - 15%
Infrastructure: 1.5% 0% - 6.5%
Private Equity: 3.5% 0% - 8.5%
Private Debt: 2.5% 0% - 7.5%
Benchmark Index Policy Index Weight
Russell 3000 Index 48.5%*
MSCI ACWI ex-US Index 7%
MSCI ACWI Index 10%
Bloomberg Barclays 17.5%**
Bloomberg Barclays HY 5.5%
NFI ODCE Index (Net) 10%
CPI + 5% 1.5%
*Includes 3.5% allocation to Private Equities.
**Includes 2.5% allocation to Private Debt