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A. Advance Application Rule.  In order to receive any benefits, an application must be filed on forms furnished by the Plan.  The effective date of your pension is the first day of the month following the later of:  (1) the date you sign your application, or (2) the date you retire.


B. Proof Required. You will need to send proof of age with your Application for Pension.  If you are applying for a pension under 50% SPOUSE, 75% SPOUSE, or 100% SPOUSE, your marriage certificate and proof of age for your spouse are required as well.


C. When Payments Begin and End.  Pension payments are not automatic.  Your monthly pension will begin when eligibility and advance application requirements have been fulfilled.  It is presumed that a Participant who has not applied for benefits upon attaining age 65 has continued to work in excess of the Plan's limits.  However, if you have not been so employed, you can receive a higher pension amount adjusted for the payments you missed between age 65 and the date you applied.  Even if you do not cease work, your pension must begin on April 1 following the end of the calendar year in which you attained age 72. 


The monthly pension is payable for your lifetime, ending with the payment for the month in which death occurs, unless payments remain under the guarantee or Option chosen.  Your beneficiary or surviving spouse should notify the Plan Office, so that the necessary forms to apply for any Death or Survivor Benefits can be sent.


If your Social Security Disability Pension is terminated before you reach age 65, you must notify the Plan Office because your Disability Pension from the Plan also terminates.  You will need to apply for a Normal or Early Pension when you become eligible.


D. Appealing Denial of a Claim.  If you believe benefits to which you are entitled have been denied, you may appeal by writing a letter to the Board of Trustees at the Plan address within 60 days of the denial or initial payment, stating the reason for your complaint and including any supporting documentation.


A decision on your appeal will be made within 60 days, or you will be advised in writing if additional time (not in excess of 60 more days) will be required for the determination.  You will be informed in writing of the results and reasons for the Trustees decision.


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